CES’ direct steam gas generators, or gas generators (GGs) for short, provide a safe, reliable method for blended steam and CO2 production.
Clean Energy Systems, Inc. has opened a new division named HEXCES to focus on the design, development, manufacture, and service of compact platelet heat exchangers (CPHXs). Also known as printed circuit heat exchangers (PCHEs), these devices are known for their high pressure capability, increased effectiveness, and compact size and footprint. The unique capabilities of CPHXs provide efficient thermal management solutions across a variety of market applications including power generation, off-shore oil and gas, aerospace, and cryogenic and chemical processing.
Oxy-fuel combustion has been the propulsion system of choice since the early days of rocket science. Defined as a combustion process in which fuel is mixed with an oxidizer such as pure oxygen, oxy-fuel combustion has been effectively used in solid, liquid, and gaseous combustion systems.
A key difficulty in oxy-combustion is controlling the reaction, ensuring that the oxidizer and oxidant (fuel) mix to form a homogenous flame front, while avoiding hot spots or producing un-combusted product.
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