Ms. Hollis joined CES’ engineering team in 2009. Today, she is Vice President of Business Development, the Managing Director of CES’ heat exchanger division, HEXCES, and involved with CES strategic planning.
Ms. Hollis has more than 15 years experience in R&D and product development in the energy, clean tech., automotive, and aerospace industries. She has managed and directed multi million-dollar contracts for industry and government clients with multi-disciplinary teams to develop innovative advanced technologies. Her past experience focused on research, development, and demonstration as well as product development in the automotive and aero sectors; ranging from fundamental research to new product launch, working directly with vendors and assembly line production facilities.
Ms. Hollis holds a BS of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toledo, an MS in Aeronautical Engineering from the Ohio State University, and an MBA from the University of California, Davis with a focus on entrepreneurship, strategy, and finance.
President And CEO
Senior Vice President
Vice President of Business Development
Chief Engineer
Director Of Manufacturing
Director Of Administration, Corporate Secretary
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